Saturday, November 01, 2008


Justification of belief has been giving me an increasingly difficult time. Although I still hold the majority of my Christian values, I have a fundamental problem with condemning anyone and everyone who does not agree with Christianity to the fiery pits of hell. Is there really only one truth? I'm constantly dealing with situations where someone might bring up examples of how an action can be right in one context and wrong in another. I can easily picture myself belonging to the predominant religion depending on the geographical location of where I was born. Therefore, I feel I must examine my beliefs further to avoid being ignorant of that which I claim to believe. This examination might take a very long time, but that's ok. Omniscient God should know the thoughts of all people and, in the end, it is not us who judges a person's worth. I have not read enough nor know enough to claim that what I believe is what everyone else should believe.
Nonetheless, I can confidently say that I don't believe in something from nothing or life from non-life. The notion that "life just longs to be" that I heard somewhere over the summer. I don't really see the merits of macroevolution and such theories as punctuated equilibrium. Somehow the notion of a speedy evolution all of a sudden and long periods of stasis isn't very plausible in my mind. Of course this is all coming from a very brief examination of these subjects. My understanding of the necessity of cause and effect dictates that there is a real possibility of a deity. Now the problem is identifying this deity. Am I to conform to the tradition that I was raised in? Certainly this would be most comfortable and easy, for I wouldn't have to give my belief much thought and there are many people who don't although they lay claim to a belief.

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